The FACTA newsletter is edited by Samantha Joubert. For content enquiries, contact

It was great seeing so many of you at the TIAFT meeting in St Gallen. Our Olaf Drummer Education Award winner, Richard Bade, has provided a wonderful summary of the meeting in this issue of FACTA News, highlighting what an excellent scientific and social program we enjoyed.

Thank you to everyone who renewed their membership fees on time this year and for your patience while we get the new renewal system up and running.

I’m very happy to be writing my first message as FACTA President! The FACTA Board was proud to welcome 116 delegates to Hobart for our 2024 meeting, held at the Crowne Plaza in March.

The FACTA conference in Hobart is just around the corner and I have to say, the quality of scientific work that is being done by FACTA members is nothing less than inspiring. Come to the conference prepared to learn, and share, and have your ideas challenged!

We are only a few months away from our next FACTA conference in Hobart, and I'm looking forward to hearing about all the great work that you've been doing over the last couple of years.

July mornings in the Adelaide Hills are cold!
As I step out the door each morning, I can see my breath like mist in front of me – before it quickly evaporates into nothing.

In early April, we had the first meeting of the organising committee for the joint FACTA/TIAFT meeting in 2025, which will be held in Auckland - very exciting!

Happy new year to you all! Although I’m not very big on New Year’s Resolutions (which my bathroom scales will readily tell you!), I do find it useful to consider what kind of year might be ahead.

As I look out my window and see the apple trees in my garden starting to blossom, it re-minds me of what is beginning to blossom in FACTA's 'garden'.

Well, the afterglow of the recent FACTA conference in April has finally worn off – but already I’m hearing about some interesting projects which I’m sure will be discussed at our next meeting in Hobart in 2024! Click here to read the full newsletter

I hope that all of you are healthy and coping with the current restrictions in place across Australia and New Zealand. Obviously, there are differences in policies in different areas in regard to managing the spread of the coronavirus. Click here to read the full newsletter

I trust you are all well. We are in the process of kicking off the work of the respective committees and those of you have nominated for a committee will receive an email shortly to commence that work. We are also forming a pill testing committee which will examine best practice for testing of drugs…

As 2018 comes to a close we are preparing for another FACTA conference in Adelaide in June, 2019. Our conference website is up and running and I encourage all of you to visit the site and note the important dates ( We have kept registration prices at the same rate as in previous years.

We are now preparing for the next biennial FACTA conference which will be held in Adelaide, South Australia in June 2019. This meeting will likely commence on a Sunday evening and conclude on a Wednesday allowing a 3 day meeting.

The FACTA committee was proud to welcome over 130 delegates to Melbourne for our 2017 meeting, held between the 19th and 22nd of November. The event started with the welcome reception held on the 35th floor of the Sofitel, with the amazing views over Melbourne providing a wonderful backdrop.

As the year comes to a close the FACTA board are gearing up for an exciting 2018. We are planning to have our annual FACTA meeting in Melbourne in late November 2017. We are currently in discussions with ICMS to secure the RACV club in the city to host our 3 day meeting.

Dear FACTA friends, Welcome to the first edition of the FACTA newsletter! This newsletter will be released to all members via email currently on a biannual basis and will comprise of brief research articles, updates on new methods, upcoming meetings, case reports, drug trends and other news items relating to FACTA membership.