FACTA is the foremost professional body representing forensic and clinical toxicology practice in Australasia.
Why Join FACTA?
As a member, you'll have access to a wealth of resources, including:
- Discounted registration to the TIAFT 2025 conference in Auckland, New Zealand.
- Discounted registration to the biennial FACTA conferences held within Australia.
- Access to the FACTA NPS portal and regular NPS updates.
- Access to FACTA best practice guidelines.
- Access to the FACTA Newsletter, published throughout the year.
- Access to the members only FACTA Facebook group.
- Access to the FACTA member directory.
- Ability to apply for the FACTA travel grants and Olaf Drummer Award.
- Opportunities to gain exposure to and learn from leaders in the toxicology field.
How to apply?
- Complete the Application form below
- Have your application endorsed by two current FACTA members
- Email the signed form to secretary@facta.org.au